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  • Writer's pictureMeenu Balaji

Health Benefits of an anti-inflammatory diet: reduce inflammation naturally

Updated: Apr 5

Inflammation is a common reason behind many long-term health conditions. In this blog post, we've shared tips to reduce inflammation naturally. You will also learn about anti-inflammatory Indian foods that you can add to your diet.

Before we dive into the anti-inflammatory foods, let us understand what inflammation is all about.

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is a part of your body's natural defense system. Your immune system protects against infection from harmful bacteria and virus.

Inflammation is usually of two types- acute and chronic. For example Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and autoimmune conditions can be included under chronic inflammation.

However, the good news is that your diet can play a significant role in bringing down inflammation. The right diet can help you manage these health issues.

Foods that cause Inflammation:

There are certain foods that cause inflammation in the body. To accommodate the busy lifestyle and for convenience many of these processed foods have become part of daily diet. Minimising these foods can help to reduce inflammation in your body.

1. Processed Foods: High in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and additives.

2. Trans Fats: Found in fried foods, fast food, and many processed snacks.

3. Sugary Beverages: Sodas, energy drinks, and sweetened beverages.

4. Refined Carbohydrates: White bread, pastries, and many baked goods made with refined flour.

5. Processed Meats: Hot dogs, sausages, and certain lunch meats with additives.

6. Excessive Alcohol: Especially in large quantities and chronic consumption.

7. Saturated Fats: Found in fatty cuts of meat, full-fat dairy products, and some oils.

8. Artificial Additives: Certain food colorings, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners.

Symptoms of Inflammation:

The symptoms of chronic inflammation differs from one health condition to another. Some of the commonly observed symptoms are:

Signs of inflammation - fatigue, headache, acne, hair loss, poor sleep, frequent infections, irregular periods, changes in weight

  • Skin rash (Psoriasis)

  • Pain: Aching or soreness in joints or muscles.

  • Fatigue: Feeling tired or lacking energy, even after rest.

  • Redness: Skin redness at the affected area.

  • Irregular periods: Low-grade systemic inflammation is associated with PCOS and hormonal changes. You can make changes to your diet to reduce inflammation and manage PCOS symptoms.

  • Poor sleep: Inflammation as a result of poor gut health can interfere with sleep.

  • Mood changes: Studies show that inflammation can affect serotonin production and influence your mood.

If you experience more than 2 symptoms, then it might point to gut health issues.

What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

An anti-inflammatory diet prioritizes on eating different types of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grain, lean meat like fish and chicken. It also includes consumption of nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and low-fat dairy products.

Paleo and Mediterranean diets are popular anti-inflammatory diets. The Mediterranean diet is rich in MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids), fiber and polyphenols. Studies show that Mediterranean diet supports gut health due to its richness in fiber, poly phenols and omega-3 fatty acids.

Eating a Mediterranean diet is beneficial for the elderly, especially in diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. An anti-inflammatory diet is often recommended in gut issues like IBS and IBD which includes Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease.

Anti-Inflammatory Indian Foods:

Indian cooking is renowned for its use of ingredients that have natural anti-inflammatory properties. These include turmeric, ginger, garlic, and a variety of fresh herbs. These ingredients not only add depth and flavor to your dishes but can also help reduce inflammation.

Discovering the health benefits associated with an anti-inflammatory diet can be a game-changer for your well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of including these anti-inflammatory foods.

Health Benefits of an Anti-inflammatory Diet:

1. Reduces Chronic Inflammation:

An anti-inflammatory diet is your friend in managing chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is often at the root of many health issues. Inflammation is often associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

When your gut microbiota has more harmful microorganisms than the beneficial ones (dysbiosis), it can further worsen these issues by increasing inflammation in the body. Additionally, research suggests that anti-inflammatory diet can be effective in reducing obesity. This diet favors the growth of good micro-organisms and reduces inflammation (2).

2. Improves Heart Health:

The antioxidants and polyphenols present in the anti-inflammatory diet lowers your risk of heart disease. It does so by reducing inflammation and managing cholesterol levels.

3. Aids in Weight Loss:

anti-inflammatory diet for weight loss

Since anti-inflammatory diet is packed with fiber you have more stable blood sugar levels. Fiber also contributes to making you feel full after eating and reduces food cravings. This supports weight loss and maintenance of lost weight.

4. Reduces Joint Pain:

It can reduce discomfort associated with autoimmune conditions like arthritis (3) and other joint disorders. Since this diet works on reducing inflammation, when you follow this diet over a period of time it might help to manage pain.

5. Digestive Health Benefits:

High-fiber, anti-inflammatory foods promote gut health by aiding digestion and feeding the good microorganisms. This decreases the risk of gastrointestinal disorders.

anti-inflammatory diet for gut health

6. Balancing Blood Sugar Levels:

An anti-inflammatory diet is effective in balancing blood sugar levels.

7. Brain Health Benefits:

Several studies show that, this diet offers protection against cognitive decline in the elderly. Additionally, there is a decreased risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's (4).

8. Cancer-Reducing Properties:

antioxidant rich foods for cancer

Free radicals produced due to inflammation can affect DNA. Mutations in the DNA can lead to the development of cancer (5). Antioxidant-rich foods in this diet may help reduce cancer risk by combating free radicals .

9. Benefits for Skin Health:

When you eat an anti-inflammatory diet, you can experience improved skin health. There can also be a potential reduction in skin conditions like acne and psoriasis.

List of Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

1. Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc., rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

2. Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout, high in omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and collard greens, packed with antioxidants and vitamins.

4. Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and other nuts, a source of healthy fats and antioxidants.

5. Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, which has anti-inflammatory effects.

6. Olive Oil: Contains oleocanthal, which exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.

7. Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound.

8. Green Tea: High in antioxidants like catechins with anti-inflammatory effects.

9. Broccoli: Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

10. Ginger: Contains gingerol, known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet Plan for a Day


  • Moong dal dosa seasoned with anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger and curry leaves, served with garlic chutney.


  • Buttermilk with a pinch of jeera powder and chopped coriander leaves.

buttermilk for acidity


  • Rice with chick pea curry, ginger-garlic stir-fried vegetables, minty cucumber raita.

chickpea curry for gut health

Evening snack

  • Hearty carrot coriander soup.

carrot coriander soup


  • Methi paratha with spicy spinach- tofu saag.

spinach tofu saag


This blog has unveiled the numerous health benefits that an anti-inflammatory diet offers. By embracing this dietary approach, you can make significant strides toward a healthier, happier life. Remember, individual responses to diet can vary, so consulting a nutritionist before making substantial dietary changes is advisable, particularly if you have specific health concerns.

If you are already experiencing gut issue, including more fiber or adding probiotics can worsen the issue. Take a look at our gut restore protocol to find out the root cause and regain your gut health.

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