Balanced Diet plan for Kids
Happy Plates, Happy Kids: Creating Healthy Habits for Lifelong Wellness!
Service Description
Our Child Nutrition Consultation Service Our Child Nutrition Consultation Service offers a holistic approach to nourishing and sustaining the health of your child. Say goodbye to the stress of wondering what to cook for every meal—we've got you covered with a carefully crafted nutrition plan tailored to your child's unique needs and preferences. Initial call duration: 45 minutes. What to expect? During this initial video call, I'll understand your child's food preferences, nutritional status and health goals. Based on the discussion you will receive the Balanced Diet Plan for Kids within 2 working days. Here's what you can expect from the Balanced Diet Plan for Kids 1. Food Variety and Balance: It is important to incorporate diverse foods into your child's diet, including whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. 2. Mealtime Strategies: Learn tips for creating a positive mealtime environment and promoting healthy eating habits. 3. Online support: Whatsapp and email support during the program. 4. Follow-up call every 10 days for 20 minutes. 5. Healthy, nutritious recipes curated for your child. To make the most of your consultation, please ensure you have a stable internet connection and set aside 45 minutes of uninterrupted time. Our goal is to create healthy eating habits for your child, that promote health, happiness, and well-being. Ready to embark on a journey towards healthier eating habits for your little one? Book your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, healthier future together!
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